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We Get Results!

Meet Karin, one of our newer Members at Mt Evelyn.

Until 5 weeks ago when she walked in our door Karin had never exercised and told us "I've put on 10kg and I feel really depressed and lousy". Karen then told us serious back and neck issues she has had, including fusion in her upper spine. She was sick of the extra weight she had put on and the medication for back pain management she had to take. Could exercise help? Could she lose the extra weight and reduce her medication?

You bet!

Fast forward 5 weeks and we can't wipe the smile off Karin's face! She has lost 2.5kg so far, 6cm off her waist, 4cm off her hips and a further 5cm off her biceps and thighs. Karin says "I've stopped taking back pain medication and I feel amazing. I do PT once a week with Dianne and I join in small group personal training with Britt and Steve. The staff have been marvellous and I would never have done this if not for them".

Well Karin, we think you're awesome! We are so happy to be able to help you on your journey. Remember you are the one that made the commitment to change your health and you are the one that puts in and does the work, and we couldn't be more proud of you. Go Karin! See you in the gym soon :-).

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