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5 Ways to boost your happiness!

With Spring well and truly in full swing and summer just around the corner we can all look forward to some warmer weather, more sunlight and longer days! Yay! Now all we have to do is make the most of it, as when the body and mind work in harmony, happiness (and ultimately wellness) can be achieved more quickly, and be longer lasting too.

Here are five simple ways to boost happiness:


When you try something new, what motivates you to keep going? We can draw motivation from many sources and in a number of ways. And the more sources of motivation you draw on, the better.

Does receiving positive comments from others help keep you motivated? If so, talk to us about your goals and let us know how you are going, we are more then happy to heap praise where its due! Are you more motivated if other people are relying on you? You are? Then arrange to train with a friend. Or would you be more committed in a group environment? Well, have we got the thing for you - our team training schedule would be ideal!


Step back and look at the big picture. This exercise helps to reflect on where you've been, to check if your are still track, allows you to celebrate your successes so fat and to think about where you need to focus your energy going forward. It's a way to assess if you have the balance right for you and to remember what's important.


So you don't feel confident, empowered or sexy today? One of the easiest ways to bring on these feelings is to dress as though you already feel it!

While it's normal and natural to compare ourselves to the media images we are surrounded by every day, remember that these are unrealistic, uncommon and very often retouched. Try to stop all comparisons. Imagine seeing yourself the way someone who loves you deeply would see you. Appreciate your body and notice what you like about it. No matter how you feel, dress up and show up - you may surprise yourself.

4. EXERCISE (yep you knew it would be in this list right :-)!)

Exercise can be one of the great pleasures in life, honestly :-). Investing time and energy in exercise is an excellent release from the rest of life. Being in the zone, feeling that nothing else matters at that moment is the natural high you get from exercise and it makes you feel great!


Once you've made changes to your life, notice the difference they make. Look at just how far you've come. Take time to make sure you are keeping on track with what is important and meaningful to you. And most importantly, don't forget to celebrate your successes!

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